Your name: Sydex

Your ban ID: 18502

Banned by: [FL] Ruxandra

Reason: ) Ban request approved - Public building, rope spamming, priors, last chance.

Involved: Flux,Ruxandra,Sydex

Why we should unban you: I Accept the ban, it was wrong yes but 5 months and over 14 days is a little bit much for "only" this things...
You have 13 bans in your history which is alot. Consider this your last chance to improve as the next ban will be permanent.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
yeah but there are some bans with only one hour or something,and between the first and last ban was a long time.. but who sayd that i get a perma ban when i have 14 bans?! and i think thats not a reason to give me a mover 5 month ban... cuz i have 13 bans...
It's up to us to decide the punishment that fits best for every situation. Take these 5 months to learn how to properly RP and read the rules. You seriously have to review your attitude if you want to stay here.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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