Very unfair ban.
Your name: [FL:RP] CarNage

Your ban ID: 17887

Banned by: [FL] Ruxandra

Reason: "Propclimbing"

Involved: Me, Ruxandra, Small Bear, Nilsson, Overdex, Bigtoe

Why we should unban you: I was banned for propclimbing, however I was in a dupe that I made. It was a prop tree, with a platform attached, and a ladder going up to the platform. It was watching over our base at the warehouse, and I got banned for "propclimbing" I don't see how this is propclimbing in any way, as I was not using frozen props to access an area I should not have. This was a legit structure with a ladder, and Ruxandra banned me with no warning or giving me a chance to talk to her about it. Earlier today we had the exact dupe in our MTL base and Mahti was there, he never mentioned anything about this, so I'm thinking that Ruxandra didnt see the ladder and thought I was propclimbing into an actual tree. I would love to be unbanned or atleast talk to an admin about this please as I do not think this ban is fair in the slightest.

Yeah, Carnage made a little tree look out spot for him to just watch over and to make the place look a little bit cooler, and he got banned for prop-climb straight off the bat, Ruxandra didn't give a warning or anything like that, and it's not like it was being used for any aggressive RP, we were setting up some offices inside of the red warehouse in industrial, ready for some ION Industries RP. People were making huge treehouses in massive proportions, some even used for violent RP and Ruxandra wasn't doing anything about those. The scale of our tree was just ridiculous compared to some others in the game at the moment of the banning. I feel that it was an unjustly ban for something as little as he did.

[Image: mxonayi.png]
My name is Overdex

And i was there when it all happend...
I also was in the three and it never came up to me that it was propclimbing.
He was not placing the dupe in an area he didn't have any permission to put it.
And so it was called 'Prop Climbing' when the three was not even 10m high....
Was that you making prop across the city? If so you were lagging the server.
No. I was banned for having a treefort which Ruxandra mistook for propclimbing.
across the city? He made 2 trees....

I think Rux overreacting.

[Image: rp_evocity_v2d0200.jpg]

Thats the dupe
                              [Image: bfgjyf.png]
Propclimbing = Using props to get access to places you normally can't. You were also using it to server as a personal advantage over others (height of the tree to spy on the UM base). This ban was more than just.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
I was using it to watch over our base Rux, I used it for the same purpose earlier today. So if propclimbing is "Using props to get to places you normally cant" I certainly shouldn't have been banned for it. I clearly didn't use it to get to anything that I normally couldn't have, and If you would've talked to me before banning me on the spot we could've cleared this up without the inconvenience it caused. I did not use props to access something I normally couldn't have, therefore I was not prop climbing, correct? Look at the dupe, It is not a bunch of frozen props to jump onto, it is a structure. I was not propclimbing so I do not know why I was banned for it. You are the only admin that's ever said anything about that dupe. That structure isn't prop climbing, I was not gaining access to any other structures by using it and I should not have been banned. If you disagree would you like to maybe explain to me how you consider that structure to be propclimbing in any way, shape or form? Thanks

Edit: Not the mention the height of that platform is barely 4 metres.
It's big enough to jump over the fence and you were using it to see across the UM wall, your base was on the other side and had nothing to do with it. You even used a camera to zoom in for a better look.
The ban is under 24 hours, wait your time and re-evaluate the rules.

[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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