Guess its time to post here.
Hello, I've been playing on the fearlessrp servers for 250+ hours and I think it's time to make a thread here.

I found the v2d server when I was bored, joined a friends game and suddenly I started to like this server, later i discovered the v33x server which i also played alot on, I currently have 1 Rp point, I love to roleplay as a chef, making my own restaurant.

I am 14 years old and I'm from Denmark


Just found out i only had 180 hours Tounge
Hello bluerider and welcome to the Fearless community! Strictly speaking, i shouldn't really of said that because i've only spent 64 hours on the servers. But anyhow, how did you get that RP point of yours? Just interested to know! If you have any questions just drop me a pm. See you in game!
Kind Regards,

Grub gave me it yesterday, while I was rping as a chef.
Yehelloooo, it's nice to finally see you drop by at the forums! See ya in-game son!
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Bloody hell, 294 posts before a welcome thread! I'm not even gonna bother to say welcome!

P.S. I have 3 RP points =3
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
hey bro ive seen u playing on sometimes we should RP togetha sometime!
Hello and welcome to the Fearless community Blue, though you've been here a while. Tounge
I've seen you a lot! Welcome to Fearless, Bluerider! Smile
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
Hello BlueRider! Its nice to see you posting here.
See you in-game! Smile
Hi Bluerider, hope to see you ingame

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