Unban Request
Your name: Sun Harvest (Old names, Zoidberg Nick Cant escape the cinnamon)

Your ban ID: 8777

Banned by: Privatetoast

Reason: Having too many bans

Involved: Just the admin

Why we should unban you: Well it's been a while since I played fearless, and I have learned how to not be a big time minge. I knew back when I did play fearless I was a minge and I am very sorry on who I affected with my mingeness. But and please, can one of you admins please give me a second chance on Fearless RP I miss fearless rp and I am very sorry to EVERYONE on the server that I affected with my mingeing please give me a second chance on Fearless everyone deserves a seond chance
I believe this guy should get unbanned I feel VERY sorry for him. Like always, EVERYBODY deserves a second chance.

Please admins a second chance to prove im not a minge anymore please if I break the slightest rule u can re perm ban me again PLEASE! Sad
Is that why you made a secondary forum account?
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
(11-18-2012, 08:51 AM)Ruxandra Wrote: Is that why you made a secondary forum account?

And how are u getting this info? If it's by IP than of course it's my bro but otherwise idk what u mean
I'm his brother if you want to test it we can log on at the same server at the same time, if you want.
Is this going anywhere? I really want to play with my brother again.
You can't "play" with your brother since you are permabanned too. You've had 17 bans and for extremely bad rulebreaks. I don't trust you enough for a second chance.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
But im no longer a minge just 1 more chance to see how i do
No, you won't get one. You've had 17 chances before and you blew them.

[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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