Your name: Jack The Drug Dealing Wolf

Your ban ID: 17259

Banned by: [FL] Jamie

Reason: Jumping on Unconscious body /Killing because of job

Involved: Just Me

Why we should unban you: Okay So We Were In The Tide's Hotel, And This Guy Was Standing Outside My Door As I Walked Into The Building, His Job Was Set To "Contra Hunter" So I Felt Threatened He Was Gunna Break Into My Home, So I Tranqed Him, I Did NOT Mean To Step On Him, As His Cause Of Death Was Actually By A MP5 Because I Pulled It Out And Threated Him To Leave Or I Would Fire And He Did Not So I Had Shot Him.
Looking at their job is Meta-gaming. You can't use the information you see on them when you scroll over them for in-game use. That's what meta-gaming is.
(11-18-2012, 06:07 PM)Jamie Wrote: Looking at their job is Meta-gaming. You can't use the information you see on them when you scroll over them for in-game use. That's what meta-gaming is.

But He Was Still Raiding For No Reason.
It doesn't matter, You should have recorded, You got caught.
I Had Right To Defend My Property Though.
Defend it from what? An attack you assume would happen?
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
(11-18-2012, 11:19 PM)Ruxandra Wrote: Defend it from what? An attack you assume would happen?

No He Was Outside My House Attempting To Break In.
So you're changing your excuse now? Thirst you were threatened by his job, Now he is breaking into your house?
(11-18-2012, 04:40 PM)Jack The Drug Dealing Wolf™ Wrote: His Job Was Set To "Contra Hunter" So I Felt Threatened He Was Gunna Break Into My Home, So I Tranqed Him,

You said you were threatened that he would, not that he was breaking in.
No I'm Not Changing My Story, He Was Standing Outside My Door, So I Tranqed Him, Threated Him To Leave Or I'd Shoot, He Didn't So I Shot Him. I Gave Him A Warning And Gave Him More Then Enough Time To Leave And He Didn't, So I Had Right To.

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