Chaos, just a one day ban I feel wasn't right
Your name: Chaos

Your ban ID: 16825

Banned by: [FL] Ruxandra

Reason: RDM

Involved: Nuka (sort of) and Darkghost? Didnt get the full name

Why we should unban you:Earlier, the same guy stole a cop car and ran me over with it, then I was getting a ride back to my car in a taxi and he comes slamming into the taxi and not letting us drive, and so I let my anger get to me and I jump out and blasted him. He should get in trouble for RDM, and being a dumbass too though. His name was Darkghost or something. I just want to play and I feel l ike I was unrightfully banned.
Oh and sorry I didnt use the template to ban the other guy, he will get banned eventually but it was stupid for me to not read the sticky.
Edit: At the time I was head of special service and he had stolen a cop car as well and was ramming the taxi with it, and I asked him to stop and get out he would not. I figured i didn't have a choice because he ran me over last time, even though that's ooc info I felt he was just being a minge.
RDM is still RDM. Ban is under 24 hours and you are not allowed to make an unban request for that.

[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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