unban request
Your name: sameshitdifferentday89

Your ban ID: 16806

Banned by: [FL]jamie
Reason: prop blocking

Involved: a

Why we should unban you: hey firstly thanks for making such a great game, ive been on it for hours and still getting to grips with this, i did not understand what prop blocking was and didnt realise i was doing it =[ i was probably tryin to make some sort of contraption, as soon as i was made aware that i was doing this i removed all my props through the Q menu, i hope you can see that it was a amateur mistake and i will refrain from doing in future, thanks
I can back him up on this one, i was the one that told him to remove it when i realised what he had done. it was just after the server went down so it took time to notice it.
I dont think I can agree on this one, Same. Everytime you're on the server I see your props blocking doorways, doors etc.
it shouldn't of been after i explained to him about the prop blocking and got him to remove them? he's new to garrys mod and is still getting used to it. he was having troubles with making keypads then the server crashed, and it must of kept his props so thats why i told him to remove all of them with the Q menu
This is why you were banned:
I also saw that blocking
"Here lies Scout. He ran fast and died a virgin" - Spy
May I also remind you that making unban requests for bans that are 1 day or under are not permitted.
Expired anyways.

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