Firefish unban request
Your name:Firefish

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:16143666

Banning Admin: Killjoy

Ban Length: 1 Week

Reason for the ban: Failrp, 1 week ban

Why we should unban you: I really didnt do anything was try to get sniperwolf but he was offline. people kept breaking nlr like crazy then killjoy joined and blacklisted me from every goverment job and banned me for a week. I want to be unbanned becaues i donated 25 dollars and i want to get my 400k and donater status for an extra 3 months. If i dont i want a refund on my money

You're not going to be unbanned just because you donated,

And look up the freaking meaning of the word donate, ITS NOT BUYING THE BENIFITS WE GIVE YOU.

You were helping a RDMing chef guard his contraband as Special Services instead of protecting the president. Enjoy your ban and spot on all government blacklists.
there was no pres and zombie wasnt rdming we were killing the *** that kept breaking nlr that guy name devil something and his friends were breaking in and we killed them for trying to jack our cars then they come back rdm us with crowbars jack our cars 10 min later we went back he there cars were there so we took them. and killjoy you get mad real fast but thats the kind of people i need to hang with anyways >.>
Yes, there was a president, I remember it well because right after your ban, he got stuck somewhere and I went to help him. The main issue for blacklisting you from every government job still stands - you, as a government official, were helping an armed civilian with criminal intent by protecting him and his contraband. No dice with the unban, you've been banned enough times already and it seems you're not making any effort to avoid future bans.

Also, nobody in this community has ever seen me get mad.

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