Lost my awp
I was playing the game as usual and i wanted to do some target practice with my awp i got it out and shot some targets, later i looked in my inventory and it was gone. I also foudn that i had 2 tool guns and my hands were gone. I pulled out my keypad cracker and it showed up as a knife , and i pulled out my ump and it showed up as a tool gun and had 0 ammoneven thouggh i used 2 packs.

Sorry about grammar and everything im on an ipad.
It sounds like a bug, have you tried to rejoin ? If it didn't help you should contact one of the developers, and report about it.
I rejoined right after i saw it was missing and i still dont have it.
There was some gun bugs when instily spawning recently i belive they caused all sorts of errors, i belive if you rmemeber the time and date admins can check logs to clarify you took the AWP out and did not holster it/die and be able to refund you most likly Cheese
I dont really care I will just buy another one.

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