Horrible Explosion ..
Today at 1 November .

7:31 AM At Saudi Arabia Riyadh city

Happened Horrible Explosion ..

The death toll explosion gas tanker in eastern Riyadh to 22 deaths and injuring 125 others ranged injuries between fractures and second degree burns and third fragments scattered region face, chest, and conducted some emergency surgery for some cases in King Abdul Aziz Medical National Guard in Riyadh, which receivedonly about 70 cases, including 40 cases in a very critical stage.

رحمهم الله .
Sorry to hear this man.
I saw it in the news , really terrible.
Shouldn't this be in the news section?

Anyways, that sounds horrible...
That sounds horrorble, My reguards go out to the families who lost one of their own today.
Will . Yesterday they said that the death numbers increased to 25 . God bless them

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