Warhammer 40.000

Now, this is a discussion thread on Warhammer 40.000.
This thread is meant for you to voice your favourite army/storyline, ask questions about the world, or discuss on tabletop/lore topics.
Arguing is allowed but please, keep the arguments OT, no personal attacks, and respect the opinion of others.
(Of course you know all others are heretics and xenos and must be purged, just keep it civil Smile ).

Now to start, I am a HUGE fan of the Space Marines, and *hint signature* my favourite chapter is the Raven Guard.
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I like occasionally popping into my local Games Workshop.
I have never really built an army of my own,
but have played and enjoyed it!
I have also played some of the computer games,
my favourite is probably Orcs just because of their machines and weapons and have always been a fan of the fantasy Orc and Goblin.
Well that's it I haven't read any of the books.
(10-28-2012, 01:28 PM)Callos Wrote: I like occasionally popping into my local Games Workshop.
I have never really built an army of my own,
but have played and enjoyed it!
I have also played some of the computer games,
my favourite is probably Orcs just because of their machines and weapons and have always been a fan of the fantasy Orc and Goblin.
Well that's it I haven't read any of the books.

No worries, I do not own any 40k miniatures myself, nor have I read any books. The only thing I have read is the wiki and Lexicanum, extensively. There's where I learned about the grim lore of 40k, and where I fell in love with the Space Marines.
I have played all of the strategies, and the Space Marine game (with which I am very pleased).
Could anyone perhaps give me a brief outline of what Warhammer is? I remember it being something to do with little models bit after seeing a video game of it I was slightly confused.
(10-28-2012, 01:49 PM)Adman Wrote: Could anyone perhaps give me a brief outline of what Warhammer is? I remember it being something to do with little models bit after seeing a video game of it I was slightly confused.

Alright here goes...

First off, there are two separate Warhammer worlds: Warhammer (fantasy game) and Warhammer 40.000 (sci-fi game).

Both have originated as tabletop games, and both have similar rules (as they are developed by the same company).

Warhammer (fantasy) is set in a pre-industrial period, (steam and gunpowder have just been invented) where several races clash for dominance. Without going into too much detail (because there are a LOT of details) these are the "main" races of this world: The Empire (humans, similar to the Holy Roman Empire), Orcs (savage and stupid), Dwarfs (the basic from which most Dwarf lores come from), High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves (again, standard), Vampire Counts (standard Undead), Tomb Lord of Khemri (Egyptian Undead), Chaos (mixture of barbarians and demons), Bretonia (humans, France - middle ages) etc. I have not listed a number of armies, as the list and lore of each is quite vast. This world is the world of magic and steel.

Warhammer 40.000 is set 40k years into the future, where the galaxy is the battlefield. It is considered one of the darkest universe that exist, as there are no heroes in the game. Most space-oriented strategies have taken their ideas from this world. The races are similar enough to the original Warhammer to be familiar and general enough, though no origins have been set clear, so players still debate if the two games share history.

If you are interested these lores and want to learn more, there is this site from which I get this information. I have read it a dozen times, and still not sure if I have covered half of it:

Damn, it really is that big project?
Game, book, miniature figures...
I might as well make a research into it and maybe start playing it myself
Well Games Workshop was founded in 1975, and has created ever since. The project is quite big as there are additional games besides WH and WH40k.
I must say, it is quite easy to get engulfed in the lore...
Sounds greats, there is nothing I love more than an immersive storyline with plenty of lore.
(10-28-2012, 01:16 PM)Doomdude1 Wrote:
Now, this is a discussion thread on Warhammer 40.000.
This thread is meant for you to voice your favourite army/storyline, ask questions about the world, or discuss on tabletop/lore topics.
Arguing is allowed but please, keep the arguments OT, no personal attacks, and respect the opinion of others.
(Of course you know all others are heretics and xenos and must be purged, just keep it civil Smile ).

Now to start, I am a HUGE fan of the Space Marines, and *hint signature* my favourite chapter is the Raven Guard.

I've played a bit of Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II. While I did, I really did enjoy the story line up to where I stopped (It kept crashing at one part). For an RTS style game, it was one of which that I would play again. Space Marines with Raven Guard would have to be my only choice since it's one of the only ones I've actually played :3
Back when I was 13-14 years old I used to collect the miniatures and ended up having a shitload of content for more than a good 800-900 dollars.
I owned both 40.000 and the old ones. Each of them had some neat features and races.
Painted most of it too. A shame I sold it to one of my nephews, I would've liked to share some pictures.

To be honest I don't really have any favorite factions/races. They were all quite awesome except for Orks.. I found them a tad boring.
Those who had the coolest look in my eyes must've been... Hmm... Chaos Space Marines, Necrons or Tyranids.

However the absolute best, most awesome and coolest figure I had was a commander looking a bit like this guy. However I costumized mine even more. He looked so badass:
[Image: m2610401a_99800102019_ThousandSonsUpgrad...73x627.jpg]
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