Upcoming event.
Planning an event, hopefully to put in function in less than a week. Most of the setup is made, just need to clear out some less-important issues.

The event will take place at the lake. I've got a restaurant and a small hotel ready. Will needed people for the following jobs:

-Janitor (restaurant): Termin
-Janitor (hotel): Prune
-4 security guards: ousmN
-Souvenir Sellers:

If needed, I'll update this page with additional free spaces. You need at least 1 RP point to be part of the staff. Everyone else is welcome without restrictions.

I'm hoping to make this event somewhere near Friday or Thursday, so apply as quick as you can. Template:

RP points:
Why do you want to join:

Note: By joining you are not guaranteed to recieve any RP point.

[Image: 347jqbq.jpg]
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
Name: [FL] Termin
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29604176
Hours: 810
RP points: 29
Position: Janitor (Restaurant)
Why do you want to join: I love passive roleplay and want to clean the restaurant floor.
Name: [FL:RP] Prune
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:28355778
Hours: About 1235
RP points: 28
Position: Janitor (Hotel)
Why do you want to join: Seems like a nice event, also it's goddamn fun to be a janitor.
Name: [FL:RP] Ousmn.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19668828.
Hours: Almost 807 hours.
RP points: 4 RP points.
Position: Security
Why do you want to join: To having fun.
All of you have been accepted. Waiting for more people.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
Name: [FL:RP] GhostRider
SteamID:‪ STEAM_0:0:52623191‬
Hours: 326
RP points: 17
Position: Chef
Why do you want to join: i magnaged a restaurant RP so i believe i know the basics of a chef RP. Of i want to have fun and to increase my RP experience.
Name: [FL:RP] GeorgeTheBoy
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44756355
Hours: 302
RP points: 3
Position: Security guard.
Why do you want to join: To be apart of this awesome looking role-play opportunity.
Name: [FL:RP] ¤|doomdude1|¤
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21567584
Hours: 255 Hours
RP points: 5
Position: Chef
Why do you want to join: I've hosted several successful restaurant RPs as manager and chef. I've taken a great liking to being a chef and would love to contribute to this passive RP by cooking and yelling at the waiters.
Name: Apex
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28002903
Hours: 366-ish
RP points: 10
Position: Security
Why do you want to join: I want to have fun and the place looks mighty fine! Also I'd love to help out in any way possible!
Name: [FL:RP] Adman
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25877876
Hours: 512
RP points: 22
Position: Souvenir Seller
Why do you want to join: Because passive roleplay is my forte and I love to do it wherever and whenever I can.

Just a quick question, do I have to set up my own stall and sell my own goods etc. Just curious regarding this position.

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