Assisted SemperFi with kidnapping a member of 1st Recon resulting in the shutdown of the entire clan of 1st Recon.
As one might have noticed earlier, we at SemperFi have taken slight interest in your organisation. Stand by for more to come on a secure line.
wait im in this... me no see my name Sad
Synvonite has been kicked from the clan for failing to roleplay properly, and overall having a poor attitude about everything.
The clan will now be co-lead by The Homeless Stormtrooper. I will be back in a month to take back control.
I hereby propose a pact of cooperation. Specifics of the agreement only available on need-to-know basis.
I hereby leave intelligence, due to recent unorganization and future prospects of another clan.
I hereby leave Intelligence aswell, due to recent lack of... everything.

But fear not, from the ashes of Intelligence a new clan will rise.

Keep an eye on the clan discussion thread for more information of
the new clan me and Storm are currently "forging".
The remaining few in the Intelligence are Jimmyboyo and Mentlegen who are probably going to leave aswell.
So, from this very moment I will declare this clan... dead.
As i've left Intelligence, so have the rest, and are forming a new clan.

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