mYAffliktioN Banned by Sniperwolf (Updated with Screenshots)
Your name: mYAffliKtioN

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29157170

Banning Admin: SniperWolf

Ban Length: Unknown?

Reason for the ban: Wasn't specified to me. Assuming Propblock?

Why we should unban you: Last night, As I was attempting to enjoy RP with another player (Legenditals). We used the bank as our building, and we were the only two in the server.Everything about the base was legit, Buttons, keypads, etc.Then, suddenly, another player joined. This player was one named Horse. I was delighted, as earlier in the day, I had found that he was a good RPer. Or so I thought. First thing he did was attempt to break into our building. I told him to leave, via mic, and he didn't. He then spawned a prop and began to propclimb to a window so he could see inside. Additionally, he spawned a seat of some kind in the wall of the bank, so that he could see inside the vault. Eventually, he was killed for breaking in. As soon as he spawned, he did it again, violating NLR. He did this countless times. Eventually, we decided to just move so he would quit. We left, as he lit the whole place on fire. When we left, I tried to delete the base, but deleted only half the base by accident. I had forgotten about the rest, as we were across the map, and I couldn't see it. A few hours later, Sniperwolf teleported me to him, and asked me about the base. He told me it was propblock, and to explain. So i began to type up what had happened, but he kicked me. He didn't even give it a chance. I told him I would delete it, I didn't mean for the propblock to be there, it was an accident and that I would delete the rest of it for him. But it didn't matter to him. When I rejoined, I wanted to talk it out with him, and explain why it was there, to clear my name (I was happy it was just a kick and not a ban, but still, didn't want "Propblocker" To be my title.) But he wouldn't teleport to us to talk about it. Instead, he chose not to listen. I got frustrated, decided to just leave instead. I told him he should be more understanding, and try to listen to what players have to say, rather than jumping to conclusions. I got off, and just a bit ago, tried to get on again, but I was banned. I feel this is unfair. Legenditals is banned too. For what reason, you ask? I have no clue. Horse has not been banned at all either. All I'm asking is that we get unbanned. We have spent a lot of time in FearlessRP, and I'd hate to have to start over again on another server. This is Legend's unban appeal.

I also have screenshots to prove that Horse was doing what I have claimed, And I can send them if you wish.

Thank you for your time.
Any evidence you could present us would be more than welcome.
I'm gonna post the same reply in both mYaffliktioN's and Legenditals' unban request - seeing as they were banned for exactly the same thing.

As admitted, mYaffliktioN had prop blocked the bank, as he admitted both now, and at the time, due to deleting half a base. So he recieved a warning kick, and that was the end of that. Or so I thought ..

Legenditals then began a stream of non-stop abuse and complaints, over a simple kick - shouting 'abuse' etc. He also claimed that I was lying, and that it was not a prop block - even though mYaffliktioN had already admitted it was.

When mYaffliktioN rejoined - he too joined in the stream of protests and abuse.

Meanwhile, I'd recieved multiple complaints about the both of them harassing other players.

So anyway, I told them both to stop the arguing, it was only a kick, and to stop spamming in OOC etc. They did not stop. Legenditals was worse, saying that I was being ignorant, lying, etc. Anyway, I gave Legenditals a ban for constantly flaming and spamming in OOC.

mYaffliktioN then tried to sneak in another comment - by leaving quickly afterwards, thinking that he'd avoid a ban by quitting ... So I banned him too.

They were both rude, arrogant, and ignorant players - who did not respect admin decisions or the fact that they broke the rules :/ even when one admitted he did - the other complained for ages.

So, this is why I banned them.
(01-18-2011, 08:24 AM)Sniperwolf Wrote: When mYaffliktioN rejoined - he too joined in the stream of protests and abuse.

Meanwhile, I'd recieved multiple complaints about the both of them harassing other players.

They were both rude, arrogant, and ignorant players - who did not respect admin decisions or the fact that they broke the rules :/ even when one admitted he did - the other complained for ages.

Few problems here.

1) I never said anything about "Abuse".
2) Can I see these complaints? Assuming they're logged? We were on that server for quite some time. Alone. How can we harass if there is no one to harass? Unless, of course, if it was Horse. In which case, I was not harassing. (Check description of problem above.)
3)You need to return the favor of respect if you wish to receive it. Admin status or not. When I told you my story, you didn't even read it. D= I'm sorry, But I don't think "You need to take more care with issues like this before taking action." Is rude. =/

Anyway, my next post will have the screenshots in it. Just a second.

    Here, we can see Horse doing the "Sleep" glitch where you can see inside another's house.

    Horse RDMing in front of the bank, In the back, you can see the ambulance he stole as a civilian.

    Horse putting a seat in the wall of the bank so he can see into the vault.

    Horse setting up his barrel to look into the window. Note that here you can see that the door is legit. (Button on inside, Keypad on outside on atm.

    Horse Violating NLR.
You can see the original base and the obvious evidence against horse. I recall Sniperwolf saying we were harassing other players, and the only thing I can relate that to is horse, and with these pictures you can obviously see him harassing us.
You should use WeGame etc. Those screenshots show no names, but your post looks like it's a ban request..
I'll ban horse for a few days seeing as you provided evidence of him fail-sleeping.

Also please see my point in Legendital's thread, as it pretty much sums up the conclusion to this thread too.

(01-18-2011, 11:23 PM)Shark Wrote: You should use WeGame etc. Those screenshots show no names, but your post looks like it's a ban request..
Check first picture again.
Your making a ban request inside your unban request, why?

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