Garry's Mod 13 discussion thread
Topic 1:
Lol I love it! <3
Probably will Mae a new GMOD Midget outbreak movie xD
My main clan used to have resize allowed on the server. I always went: "/resize catkiller 0.001" just to troll people as Spy (Admin with benefits).
Very excited to see what Master Soul has done to improve the gameplay on gmod13.
I heard him mention a working bus vehicle, that might open up several RPs.

(Terrorists in a bus, kidnapping everyone and fleeing the police constantly? Exciting...)
To be honest, I think most of the improvements are going to be unnoticeable, improved stability and sleeker gameplay for example.
Content wise I have no idea, I think more of that will come when GMod 13 is released, the server is up and running and then Soul/Temar can browse the HUGE suggestions section awaiting them.

A bus would be a lovely addition.
I also used to play on a server with resize, I was always either a giant or a cunning mini-person :3
Clan Needed Tounge
(10-01-2012, 10:25 PM)Gamesdude109 Wrote: I also used to play on a server with resize, I was always either a giant or a cunning mini-person :3

Although I must admit, that sounds like a load of fun, it needs to be SEVERELY restricted. Perhaps a maximum of 15% change of size?
Just imagine a minge with a gun, going super small and just running around, destroying everything while being virtually invisible...

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