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Pick able models
Title of Suggestion: Pick able models

Description: If this were added, than in the 'Character' tab, there would also be a option to pick which model you want. (You can only pick the model that corresponds with you profession)

Why: Many times I pick Un-employed, and it give me the ugliest model. Than after that, I character wouldn't look like a assassin. This would help family RP, picking models that look like each other.

Thanks for reading!Wink
I do not find it so much necessary , altough it could help some time.
I think that if it's limited some (like you can only choose form a certain range of models) it should work.

It bugs me when I don't get the LaQueefa female model, that I need to keep calling an admin to slay me

I am Colonel Burger, and I approve this message
+ support

Make it so you can only pick the models from your preset class (like the random models you already get). That way you have limited the model range and satisfied the need to customize of the players.
Good idea .... you got my support .
Suggested before, +Support all the same.

Obviously it would use the current model for that job only, or else it would cause havoc.
Surely been suggested before
And yeah, an ability only to pick models when spawning
Suggested countless times before, however it is a must have really..

It shoulndt be too hard, I am sure Temar can do it.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
+ suport and its better

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