Last unban request
Your name: hidde[NL]

Your ban ID: 12556

Banned by: [FL]Ruxandra

Server: v33x

Involved: me, Ruxandra and some other people

Why we should unban you: I want to apologise to the whole FL staff. I, Hidde de Laat, apologise for all the trouble i've caused on the server. I wish it never came so far like this, i wish i could start over, so im asking for my very last chance.

I think we could give Hidde a final chance of improving himself.
(09-16-2012, 07:28 PM)Zzzzap Wrote: I think we could give Hidde a final chance of improving himself.

I agree.
Thank u guys for the support.

I counted 7 bans for RDM, random raiding and random shooting. If we are to discuss letting you back in here, I want a 50 hour blacklist from using weapons to be issued.
(09-16-2012, 08:15 PM)Killjoy Wrote: I counted 7 bans for RDM, random raiding and random shooting. If we are to discuss letting you back in here, I want a 50 hour blacklist from using weapons to be issued.

I'll learn from that, Please do that
Approved for probation.

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