i have a donate problem
Hi .... i would like to donate to be donator....my dad dont allowe me to make a paypal account so i can give u a paysafe code of 10euros which cost more than 10$ ...do u agree admin...owner ..or co owner..or super admin?
most owner^^
You not need Paypal account, only Creditcard and the cardnumber CheeseD
i dont have vredit car either...the only payment method i can do is paysafe card
Our community accepts only PayPal donations and we don't really see any reason to branch out either. Sorry kid, you're gonna have to find a way to get PayPal payment made.
ohhhhh..why u dont accept ..this...its almost the same...u just get more money

and i wouldnt call me kid...i am 15 years old dude..my dad is just strict...he knows whatever i am trying to do

and i mostly make this post for Sould (owner)
In that case feel free to send him a PM.

(08-30-2012, 01:00 PM)rafaelk1998 Wrote: do u agree admin...owner ..or co owner..or super admin?

i have made a lot of pms(to admin not the owner) but nobody is answer to me
Isn't there anyone you trust in real life that could make the payment for you if you give them the money?
(08-30-2012, 02:16 PM)rafaelk1998 Wrote: i have made a lot of pms(to admin not the owner) but nobody is answer to me

Then send a PM to the owner, as already instructed.
ok i believe he will answer me

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