Free time.
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So, I don't got alot todo on my free time. ( Away from computer. )
I general is on the forum 24/7 and play on the server. Cheese
Because there is nothing todo.

So this is a easy one.

What do you do on your free time? ( Away from computer. )
Saxophone, traınıng, frıends, studyıng, earnıng money and becomıng a drama queen.
Go out with my mates, watch films play basket ball.
(07-28-2010, 06:50 AM)Paven Wrote: and becomıng a drama queen.

Lol Lol Lol
Go fuck yourself gystez Wink
huh wut? I commented Paven's comment. LOL!
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Dare to think!
(07-28-2010, 09:41 AM)Nudelholz Wrote: I'm doing moutainbiking (down hill and cross country), playing much volleyball with my friends, going to the pool or to a lake with them, normally I am partying every weekend in the evening or the day over, depends.
Maybe some of you recognized that I am offline on the weekends in the evening, or drunk on the servers at around 4am or around that time Cheese.
In my spare time I also do some stuff on Photoshop and yeah, when I am offline I am either at school or out with my friends, atm I am often online because the weather is really bad, only rain -.-!

Well I still go to school, 13th year of school now and doing my A level exams next years, which is the highest degree in germany. Got holidays from today on so maybe I will be more time on the server!

Seems to me you do alot. :S
How do you make time for all that?
I'm earning money, watching TV, or playing Guitar etc.
I'm now trying to learn
Signature too big...
(07-28-2010, 11:17 AM)gYsteZ Wrote: Seems to me you do alot. :S
How do you make time for all that?

Well it's not thaaat much. I used to play basketball in a club, had to quit because my knee was fucked Cheese, also did some other stuff well anyways.
I just do it and when I got nothing to do I mostly play or anything.
Dare to think!

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