Contraband and basing
I have a question considering both Contraband and Basing. I was building a base for other Corleone's at a villa . They didn't respond to my invitation to stay with me in the house so i just started building a room for myself containing contraband. I had issue's with securing the door of the room I'm in but i had already 2 money printers in progress. I was still working on it then 2 cops bust in and arrest me for contraband with the claim i was fail rping and they heard contraband without any other proof. Is this even legit cause I've re-readed the rules and according to the rules i wasn't doing anything wrong.
I don't see any failRP in what you've said, but if people can raid you if they hear your contraband. What's the question about the base?
No fail rp done here but if they heard the printer then they've got every right to raid.
@Reliqua sorry if i didn't make it clear that i made a base with Contraband in it
Yeah. Most bases end up having contra tend them anyways. It's not against rules.
Did they get a government issued warrant?
Well they didn't presented any at all and just rushed in , not to mention a bit later when we where doing a good idea Dumb and Dumber started to ruin it by arresting somebody while we announced to RP in OOC
When the Poilce hear contra in your base the first thing they should do is get backup and a warrant. You know if you have a warrant because it shows up on your screen. If they just busted in without one, they were failRPing.
Well that's the thing i always thought it showed up on the screen but it didn't , wouldn't surprise me if they used a keypad cracker to bust in and lockpicks. It was the Commander and only One police officer
(08-18-2012, 09:31 AM)Termin Wrote: When the Poilce hear contra in your base the first thing they should do is get backup and a warrant. You know if you have a warrant because it shows up on your screen. If they just busted in without one, they were failRPing.

Wrong, the police are given probable cause to bust your door down period when they hear contraband. this is one of the few situations where a warrant is bypassed. I'm not going to sit on my ass waiting for a fail president to issue a search warrant for something we know you already have.
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Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”

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