Your name: Infernaw

Your ban ID: 13809

Banned by: Ruxandra

Server: rp_evocity_v2d

Involved: Many people in the Nexus doing a Riot. Citiz VS Gov type of thing. Berseker printed the "evidence"

Why we should unban you: I was RPing a mad woman who wanted to see her man inside the Nexus, not the President. But because of Real-Life problems I might have gone too far with calling the President a "fagass" even though it was just against his Police Force, which in my opinion were no good at that point of time.
If I get unbanned, you will never see me swear ever again. Even though that's really hard for a vulgar person like me...

I also didn't get a warning about the ban, which might've made me focus on what kind of words I use.
My two bans I have are because of missunderstandings.

Oh well. I hope you understand.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
As stated in your ban request, we have zero tolerance to homophobia, racism and sexism. It's your own fault you didn't make a ban request on them.

Also, use the template required.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

6. Do not write an unban request if you broke the rules.

Only write an unban request if you have a reason to, e.g.: you have been in a misunderstanding and got proof for that.
Unban requests which do not feature a valid reason, including evidence, and just contain content like "I am so sorry for what I did, please unban me." - "I love your server, please let me play again." will get denied.

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