Scariest thing to happen to you ?
Well when i was 11 my parents went down the road for 10 mins when they were gone the t.v. came on by itself but it was off my the plug, when i went to look at it it turned off then a few mins later my lamp fell on its side . It couldent have been wind it was made of steel !
I was lying in bed, everything was silent, and BOOM. Loud explosion outside.

Sometimes I hate fireworks.
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Well, I just watched "Boogie man 2" and there the lights swinging on and off.
I watched it on the night, and when i was finish i goed to bed.
Suddently the lights swining on and off and i heard somebody running in the stairs!
omg i got so scared, and NOONE WAS IN THE FUCKING STAIRS!!!
My scariest moment was when the mast of my fathers sailboat broke, it was on the sea and I was on it at that moment. I heard a explosion and looked above me and the mast was gone.
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That's heavy shit ^^,
I saw a clown
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LOL. Yea i bet you did ^^, XD

I like tortoise +.+
(06-09-2010, 12:54 PM)barrelroll Wrote: I saw a clown

Do I smell a sense of coulrophobia ?
(06-14-2010, 07:42 PM)s.J. Wrote:
(06-09-2010, 12:54 PM)barrelroll Wrote: I saw a clown

Do I smell a sense of coulrophobia ?

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The scariest thing that's happened to me happened in turkey. I guess i was five years or something. Then we went on a full bus, i got pulled to some old ladies who sat and touched my hair and everything since it was blond. And when they were done half of the buss came and touched my hair.

It aint that scary, but it was at the time.

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