{?CG?}Wtfsgoinondotcom Unban request
Your name: {?CG?}Wtfsgoinondotcom

Your ban ID: 12612

Banned by: [FL] Temar

Server: I don't know because I wasn't actually on the server.

Involved: I wasn't there so I don't know.

Why we should unban you: Whatever I am being accused of never happened. I hadn't been in any FL:RP server for over a week before I had been banned. I have also never hacked a game in my life (which is what I got banned for), but that's a different, non-provable, issue. The main thing is that I was not on the server, and I have no idea what happened.
you was banned on the 20th which was probably the same day or next day when i checked logs
Denied, ban will expire in just under 24 Hours, make sure your remove any hacks before coming back or it will be a perm next time

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