Unban or Shorten Ban
Unban or Shoten Ban
Your name: Swamp Fox

Your ban ID: STEAM_0:1:15752508

Banned by: [FL] Beflok

Server: rp_EvoCity v2d

Involved: I dont really know who was involved, but their were no admins.

Why we should unban you: Ok so i was made presedent so i made a few fortifications in the office. I put a door (had a keypad and everything) that i was the only person that knew the code. In the office I put some chairs that would fly around if I pressed a button. I thought this was like a booby trap and was perfectly legal. If someone came to raid me I'd just sit in my chair and let the chairs fly. Also, i never did prop block and prop push; i dont know where that came from. If you all would please lessen by ban time or remove it that would be great. I think 29 days is pretty drastic to be banned, and plus; I want to be a donner so i could becoms SS. Thanks

You are not getting unbanned.
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Ok well you dont have to unban me but can you please shorten my ban to a few days? 29 days is a really long time.
You are lucky you got 29 days for this.
well beflok and zzzzap have said you not getting unbanned and your lucky you only got 1 month
so denied

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