(06-20-2012, 06:24 PM)The_Alpha_Dog Wrote: I love Russians.

How is this news?
(06-20-2012, 06:33 PM)Zzzzap Wrote: How is this news?

i was really confused where exactly to put it. Offtopic or news
Since most of people didnt exclty knew it I thought maybe it will be news for them
Stop getting worked up about it. There is no massive anti russian attitude to the world, every country gets hate. Russia probably gets quite a low amount of hate, especially compared to countries like the US. The main bulk of "hate" is just a large amount of stories feature the Russians as the antagonists, and that's really because there's no other alternative. The only real "bad guys" you can have in the world are the Russians, the Chinese, terrorists, and maybe just at a push, Iran or North Korea. And a lot of the times with the Russians, it's often portrayed as just a few particular individuals rather than Russians in general.
And it's not COD, it's the lasting political and social effects of the cold war and the propaganda of it, and both sides are just as bad as each other. Just ask a Russian what he thinks of the US and you'll probably learn new swear words within seconds.
But yeah, EVERY country and EVERY group has stuff said about it, is portrayed in a particular way in the media and has stereotypes. Stop thinking it's just the Russians that have this problem. Literally everyone on the face of the planet has this.
(06-20-2012, 11:11 PM)VallyTeacake Wrote: it's often portrayed as just a few particular individuals rather than Russians in general.
And it's not COD

You have got to be F*cking sh*tting me
I strongly disagree with these two facts
As of everyday here in UK i hear not about individuals,but rather about russians in General
and you know what is the stupidest thing
the reason of "why?" I hear being answered as:
1) i dnot know, its just everybody hates russians, so am I
2) Russians are just terrorists
3) Several people avoiding answer

Just randomly out of stupid rumors and etc people join in like a flock of cows randomly running in one direction, even if there is a cliff up ahaed

I hope this answer is Legit enough?

And its very first time i hear about same thing to Americans
I have no idea where you heard about like "Russian hates americans". i wont be surprised if yu saw it in another mindless rage comics or stereotype pages
but we DO respect americans just like they do
I am telling you by experience
Well from my experience I've never known anyone who hates russians. I hope you realise that Americans are the ones being constantly insulted.

I understand though that being called a terriost can be a bit more insulting than being called fat, arrogant and stupid.
This exists for every single nation, it's a part of life and giving the Russian spectrum a specific spotlight means nothing. The English get this from a lot of people. The Americans do. So do the Polish, the Germans, the French, the Japanese, the Indian, the Chinese, the Aussies. So does Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Afghanistan. So does Iceland, Holldan, Greenland, Canada... This exists for every single country on the world, the only reason you're so worked up about when it's specifically directed against Russians is because I assume you're a Russian yourself. It happens all over the world.
What Faustie said.

You think you've got it bad? Dude, America gets so much more hate than Russia it's not even funny
For once i agree with what Faustie said. This does happen for every country in the world. Altough come to think of it i have never heard any this kinda of hateish things against sweden. And if you count that a lot of people say that Sweden only have blonde girls i don't take that as a insult i take that as a compliment

[Image: If%20you%20know%20what%20I%20mean..png]
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

You are blowing this way out of proportion, lol. As if Russia has some right not to be hated or ridiculed. The hate you get, multiply that 10x and you get the combined hate in the world for America. They get A LOT more shit than you do.

Also, if you played Call Of Duty at all (by playing I mean LISTENED TO THE STORY) you would understand that the terrorists aren't evil cause they are russian. They are evil cause they are ultranationalists. The only reason Russia attacks America is because the ultranationalists launched the airport attack on russian soil, and kill the American CIA agent. In fact, the entirety of Modern Warfare is just about hunting the Ultranationalists while trying to keep peace between America and Russia. No one blames Russia for attacking America, I think they have a quite good reason, in fact.

Also your country is being hated upon for the cold war.

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