User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting a second unban request shortly after the first one was denied
Your name: Bradley

Your ban ID: 10905

Banned by: zzzzap

Server: v33x

Involved: Bigtoe[AP2S1]

Why we should unban you: to sum it up, i was fighting some guy(Not RDM, he asked for it)near AM/PM and then the admin was there, and he kept spiralling round, and the admin came in and i accidently hit him, so then he dragged me away and banned me without letting me explain
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Ive fixed it
What? You were at rebel spawn and were proppushing the hell out of everyone?
models/props_c17/FurnitureBoiler001a.mdl to be exact.

So I grabbed you, all you said was "sorry admin"
I was a security guard?

Im not trying to cause trouble on your server i just want to play with some friends

Is it not possible for me to just be unbanned, and this is the last you will hear of me, if i meant to grief on the server, then why would i try so hard to get unbanned?
Oh my mistake, thought you were Bradders.

Alright lets see..
Oh wait, you already made an unban request that got denied.


Thread closed and denied, user warned.

Reason: Posting a second unban request shortly after the first one was denied.

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