Ban Request - Esset Swag
User: Esset - Swag! +1


Reasons: Verbally assaulting in a aggressive and harsh way, including "mother f'er" non-stop, whilst saying the racial N word multiple times.

The user was also conducting FailRP, by talking when he was Tazed, and also when i roleplayed shoving a gag in his mouth.

His behavior was just annoying and not wanted here i believe.

This is Video 1 of a Collection of 3 Videos

This is Video 2 of a Collection of 3 Videos

You are metagaming in the first place by becoming a cop just to get in there.
(06-04-2012, 09:55 AM)massivecheese Wrote: You are metagaming in the first place by becoming a cop just to get in there.

And your not involved in this ban request, so why are you posting here? This is regarding the man who called me a n*ggr about 10 times, and was verbally attacking me for about 30 minutes.

Plus you were not even in the server regarding the decision i was already going to make, example:

My friend NightShade was already a cop, and i was going to go to the nexus, and apply for a position as the cop, but i saw that the front was prop blocked, so by changing jobs i would go inside? That is not meta-game. It is merely a decision, but when i switched i was then a cop, and i saw an intruder and from thence the videos were recorded.
Wonderful Video, I have no comment on this, I will wait for the admins to sort this out.

Oh just one thing, I like how you didnt record your self being an abusing cop shooting on sight and randomly tazing people on the street, anyway thats just crazyman talking since I have no evidence.
(06-04-2012, 10:11 AM)Esset Wrote: Wonderful Video, I have no comment on this, I will wait for the admins to sort this out.

Oh just one thing, I like how you didnt record your self being an abusing cop shooting on sight and randomly tazing people on the street, anyway thats just crazyman talking since I have no evidence.

Indeed you are a crazy man, also a pathetic liar Tounge The only people who complained about being tazed were you, the people commiting domestic violence with crowbars, escaping fugitives, and disobedient citizens during a lockdown.
Im looking at video now
do you have a clear picture of the prop block, that slayer did i believe i heard
(06-04-2012, 10:39 AM)Temar Wrote: Im looking at video now
do you have a clear picture of the prop block, that slayer did i believe i heard

[Image: 07CD992FB65EF520683691416F3E0B0C21213FBA]
I will confess some of it, I did drop the N-bomb once or twice. But nothing else, You can ban me for The N word if you like.

And if you look back, I aint a bad guy, I used to be a really nice guy, just because of one butthead pissing me off this one time, sure. Have a look if you want.
Approved 2 Weeks
Slayer Banned for 3 days

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