Unban me got banned for NLR becuase of unknown
Your name: [FL:RP] Adam

Your ban ID: 3 bans

Banned by: Ruxandra

Server: V33x

Involved: MMQz who RDMed me

Why we should unban you: I got banned for NLR becuase i walked back to a place where i got RDMed by MMQz]]] so i would love if i could get unbanned and take this as a warning becuase i wasnt sure that i could get banned for NLR if it were becuase of RDM or CDM Or .... so if i could get unbanned and MMQz]]] could get banned i would be happy
We Decide if its RDM and if you can go back
other wise you must still follow rules, alot of people complain about RDM and when we ask other guy he gives us a reason
(05-29-2012, 06:00 PM)Temar Wrote: We Decide if its RDM and if you can go back
other wise you must still follow rules, alot of people complain about RDM and when we ask other guy he gives us a reason
One question what was the reason and who was the guy?
Expired, denied.
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