Unban request - Vortex902
Your name: /Exemplified - Vortex902

Your ban ID: 10259

Banned by: [FL] Mahti

Server: [FL] Fearless [Semi-Serious Roleplay]

Involved: -

Why we should unban you:

I assume this it the reason I was banned: http://imgur.com/a/LQ1qG

No, I do not know how it came to be there. I assumed it was an integral part of the game mode, but alas, I was mistaken (apparently?). I do not have any third-party software installed. I have almost 1500 hours of gmod playtime, and I have never once hacked. Whether you take my word for it, or not is up to you - nevertheless, client-side script should not appear on the server provided you have noscript \ etc., so it was only natural of me to assume it was server-based.

As far as I know, this doesn't appear on other servers I join, only in single player (Does anyone else have this?). Whether this is a bug or not, I can not tell.

Might I remark that I was given no chance for rebuttal. Suffice it to say - having to find an arbitrary reason and out-of-proportion length of ban, without know the full story, is not exemplary to your fellow staff.

Henceforth I humbly submit to the judgment of the administrators, if any more explanation is required, do not hesitate to ask, I'll do what I can, and I apologise for any inconvenience I may or may not have caused, directly or indirectly.

- lil b, the based god
So I stumbled around Garry's mod.org and somehow I found this one http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=110429
Very similiar to your "Bug" right?
when it comes to finding hackers, we will perm
if they want too post we can then consider what they have too say and decide what too do
(05-26-2012, 09:13 PM)Mahti Wrote: So I stumbled around Garry's mod.org and somehow I found this one http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=110429
Very similiar to your "Bug" right?

There's no need to be smug. Still, I suppose this is the one, yet I do not remember downloading anything of the sort. Then again, the last time I played gmod was two years ago or so. It's in my add-on folder, though. Created "Saturday, ‎October ‎16, ‎2010, ‏‎12:55:15 PM".

I've removed the add-on in question. I'm not even sure why it'd work on servers. Again, it was never my intention to cause any distress. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

edit: I've looked around a bit more. The Facepunch thread states it's a clientside addon. Might be I downloaded it for singleplayer, but I can't understand why. Don't see much use in that, maybe just the novelty I suppose. In any case, I solemnly swear that I had no intention on using it on servers as a way to gain an unfair advantage over other players, quite frankly I despise cheaters, in any multiplayer game, yet here I am, accused of being one. I'm willing to make any amends necessary, as I do like playing on your server.

Besides, Mahti. Think about this, if I were to be an genuine, legitimate (lolpun) cheater, would I really go as far as to explicitly suggest that I know you're following me, despite being in invisibility mode? Wouldn't that be, I don't know, stupid? I'd like to think of myself as not mentally deficient, but.. yeah. Anyway, I've no concrete way to prove that I wasn't aware I was cheating. That's it, really. Your word versus mine, and we all know who's would win, don't we? If I were to be pardoned, I'd be most grateful. If not, I am sad to say, thank you for your time and effort, and for the fun I've had playing on your server.
Its your computer and its your responsability what kind of hacks or any sort of advantages you have in your addon folder or what so ever.
You think it was supposed to be in gamemode when I'm invisible and spectating you because I got report of you breaking rules, Then you just watch where I am and say following is quite rude.
Its a no from me.
(05-27-2012, 12:04 PM)Mahti Wrote: Its your computer and its your responsability what kind of hacks or any sort of advantages you have in your addon folder or what so ever.
You think it was supposed to be in gamemode when I'm invisible and spectating you because I got report of you breaking rules, Then you just watch where I am and say following is quite rude.
Its a no from me.

You're right, I probably should've inquired whether it was integral to the gamemode or not. Still, people err. People forget. People are fallible. As I said, it was two years ago since I played gmod for any respectable amount of time. The only other server I played on between now and then, there was no radar, probably because of counter-measures, and that was only once or twice.

Also - I'm not entirely sure what I could have done to break any rules that would require you to follow me, and all I did was see you on the radar-thing and state that following me is quite rude, and asking what is was that you were there for.

Welp. Is there no way I would be able to sway you? I've apologised thoroughly, deleted the add-on in question, and as far as I know the time I've spent on the server was corresponding with the rule set. It was an honest mistake. I don't know what more I can do. It would seem to me this ban is no longer justified, but apparently we differ on that account. Perhaps you could elaborate?
It is no from me as well. I witnessed this as well and a hack is a hack.

And you lied to me you said this came with the new gmod update as it did not.
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(05-28-2012, 12:08 PM)Beflok Wrote: It is no from me as well. I witnessed this as well and a hack is a hack.

And you lied to me you said this came with the new gmod update as it did not.

I.. uh.. wow.

First of all, a hack would imply a third-party program that modifies the game files, whereas this is merely an add-on, not to mention that it's client-side, meaning it shouldn't even work if basic noscript \ anti-cheat measures are installed on a server. I'm suprised it works at all on multiplayer. In case you're not familiar with FacePunch, it is not a place where they openly discuss cheating methods and such. More accurate would be to say it is heavily frowned upon, and concerning gmod it is most certainly forbidden.

Second, I never lied to you, as I stated before, I don't know where the addon came from, one would assume I downloaded it but I cannot remember when or why. I know there was an update not too long ago that included stuff like animations, and what-not so I ASSUMED this was part of it. There's no big conspiracy here. I'm very certain that I never directly implied I knew it was from the update or not.

I'm not particularly in the mood for writing twelve-paragraph replies anymore. I'm not really in the position of bargaining, but whatever.
Unban me and you'll regain an articulate, good rper with a lot of experience. If not, I'll move on. There's no real reason for me to stay banned, personal issues aside. No offense, but arguments thus far have been weak, and I've dismantled each and every one of them with logical, level-headed counterarguments, which should, in my opinion, have been enough to prove my innocence.

I've invested an immense amount of time into this game. I've been known as a couple of things, but a cheater is not one of them, and I cannot fathom why anyone would even suggest that.

i mean bump
Soul stated in steam chat 0 tolerancy against hackers, Denied & moved.

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