i got banned not my fault
Ok soo i was recently banned..now heres the problem.it wasnt me.
ok soo i was watching my cousins while playing on your awesome server, and i was playing for so long i had to use the bathroom..welll when i got back, i saw my cousin on my computer, and a msg saying i was banned. now idk what he did, or how long im banned for but please accept this unban request. i swear it wasnt me, and i wont let another incident like that happen again.
you were banned for 1 day

-sorry for this admins just know admins posting
You're going to have to update that there unban request with the proper template provided in the stickies.
Yes use Template,
Other people stop posting if not involved
Your Account is your Responsibility, the excuse of it was my cousin etc is pretty much ignored because most of the time its a lie and is still your responsibility

That said its not upto me as i didnt ban you, but if you dont use template with in 24 hours of relique post this will simply get denied with out consideration
Moved to Denied since user has had several days to make a template.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.

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