[SELLING] GRiiM's Market
GRiiM's Market


5x MP5 - $2000 Each
4x Deagles - $600 Each
8x AK47s- $2750 Each
5x Molotovs - $900 Each
8x Crowbars -$100 Each


50x Fish - $125 Each
4x Goldfish - $2500 Each

Black Market

3x Lockpicks - $2000 Each
I'd like to buy all of the molotovs.
Add me tf2adict/Telescope Guy
Willing to meet you. Cheese
Okay, I'll be on later tonight, about 5pm
I take 2 Aks, i sell you then the Items from my Market at 5 Pm. V33x or v2d ??

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