I am absolutely appalled with the behavior lately. I am not trying to get on anybodies case or anything, but this is definitely an all time low for Fearless. I don't wanna bitch and moan, criticize people, or anything. I just wish that FL will resort back to what it used to be, community wise. Everyone was friends and most all of the admins were nice to everyone. What happened to that?

Users and admins just don't communicate like they used to. It seems like FL is at war with itself, and there is no stopping it. Why? Not a single person can make a goodbye thread without being called something like "A fuckking noob" and other things. Why aren't people considerate. Why cant people just say "Thanks for coming to FL, Bye". Nobody cares about your two cents regarding why they are actually leaving. This rule is ignored way too much if you ask me, probably because admins also break the rule by criticizing basically everyone else who posts, then closing the thread so they can have the final say. Rules are being ignored because admins are also breaking them.

Here is just a friendly note to the admins. I have also noticed that in almost every thread that even remotely hints at the flaws in Fearless, admins always have to step in with their superiority and post snappy remarks such as "I don't have to do this, its a service". Everybody knows that you aren't forced to be an admin. How about, instead of whining about being an admin, you either do the job without complaints, or quit and walk away. You guys constantly whine about how hard your stuff is, and how its voluntary, yet you continue to serve the team! Why?Are you trying to assert yourself?
[I don't imply that all admins do this, there are just admins who do this, and admins who don't

Don't get me wrong, admins are admins, and they run the server, but this is just too far guys. Why can't everyone just be friends? I'm sure there are tons of these threads, but none have ever been answered. I refuse to completely leave this community because I am hoping that one day, just maybe, this community will grow up a bit, and become more uniform.

Why is any of this even tolerated, is anyone else disappointed?
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  • Will1281, Sommer, TC224, LowerFlowerPower, Headster, Basse, Combine Buster, Slick Rick

In all seriousness.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
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  • blusheep23
Im expecting a forum warning, or to get told off...
But seriously, this is absolutely ridiculous lately.
You basicly can't join without seeing some weird ass discussion in OOC.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
Ooh, that is another thing.
Players cant rage or become extremely obscene, yet admins can and punish users who break the rule.
Well, all those discussions most likely starts with an insult or something like, "F**k you Re**** FailRP'er"

But, I think I get what you are saying.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
But the admins, the role models need to step up and stop it, rather then adding fuel to the fire.
They have every command they could ever possibly need, yet they choose to yell and curse at people.
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  • equal
I am never unpleasent or rude that i know of at least.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Well. I'm not really sure what you are talking about... there is some flaming going on here ever since I joined, that never stops.

All those discussions on the forum about unprofessional admins, not enough admins on the server, admins banning for unfair reasons, admins not treating players nicely, admins complaining how hard their job is, people making suggestions which would solve all our problems within a tick, people leaving the community because they want to join a clone community, players criticizing the community for whatever reasons, players making up threads about the community being in its worse state ever since they joined and how bad everything here is.

I heard all of that stuff before, multiple times. It never stops, I can tell.

I can tell you one thing about humans, they are never satisfied, they always want more. Once you satisfied their needs they adapt to it and will want more... that's how it works. This community has grown so much and keeps getting better, still people will always complain and want to change something.
That's just what we do, think about it.

There's not going to be some kind of revolution going on here suddenly, changing everything to the better, flowers, unicorns, rainbows and stupid ponies everywhere. Bullshit.

We're quite an old and sophisticated community and we are still changing and evolving, we always had problems and we always will have problems. We're not some static thing which changes and then reaches the state of perfection where everything is working perfectly fine, there will always be change, there will always be people complaining, there will always be people behaving strangly, weirdly, badly.

If I talk to somebody I've known since this community started now and he would ask me how the community is going today in comparison to 4 years ago, all I would say is: "Same old."
Dare to think!
The following 2 users Like Nudelholz's post:
  • The Crack Fox, Holdem
Equalizer, you agree that the Behaviour and Immaturity of players is bad, correct?

Explanation Below:

Spoiler :
On Sunday, I got made Co-owner of a Build Server Community that you happened to be Super Admin on. You took my rights away as soon as the Owners are offline as you dislike me for an unknown reason. I attempted to get you demoted, and I succeed as you abused. I was 'begged' to come back to that community of which I declined afterward.

Not forgetting I have chat logs between you and sharkie, showing that you were threatening to try DDOS me with no provocation.

Pro Tip: If you're going to DDOS someone, keep it quiet, as I have your IP on a note right here, and if I happen to be DDOS'ed, ill know who to point the finger at within the court of law.

However, I do think General Behaviour of FL is rather depressing, theres atleast a daily moan thread, and people are breaking more rules and getting more bans than last year.

I guess its just people, their personalities and maturity.
[Image: source.gif]
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  • Haarek

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