But unfortunately...
Unfortunately RL isn't real-life and FL:RP is. (dun dun dun)
[Image: B6nW6le.png]

Image removed, Clan closed. - beflok
Admin removed, beflok closed. - rowan

I trade Tea for rep.
Unfortunately.. Ohh shit my iPhone battery's dying oh damn sh..
Fortunately dubple plugged his iphone into its charger and saved the battery from death!
Unfortunately Gabe Newell accidentely sat on Duple's iPhone.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:15472195&b=9]
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Luckily Gabe Newell has been on a diet lately.
Lead by example.
Unfortunately, it turned out to be a scam and Gabe Newell lost his entire accumulated wealth; sold Valve to an Anglican Church in Uganda which happened to house Joseph Kony thereby recreating the hype with a new fad - #Half-Life 3: Kony's Army.
Fortunately the new "Valve" released Half life 3, Portal 3, Left 4 dead 3.
Lead by example.
Unfortunately they were all developed by kony's army so the games didn't work and were in such a poor, buggy state!
Fortunately he got a stiffy
Unfortunately it was broken.
RIP in Pepperonis.

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