Report 1 Player Random Raid
The rules that ElBrando broke: 

1.4 Do not insult players or staff in Out-Of-Character chats.
1.13 Racism, sexism and discrimination is not allowed OOC and IC.
2.1 You must follow FearRP. Your character must act afraid of life-threatening situations or of any weapons pointed at you.
2.3 Do not Metagame. This means you cannot talk OOC (Out Of Character) while IC (In Character). You can't use OOC-obtained information IC either.
5.3 Do not have private conversations in OOC chat; use the /pm command
15.2 Different teams are created for a reason, so do not ally with other teams. For example, Rebels do not ally with Corleones. (Rebel Leader cant ally with corleones)
6.2 Do not prop-block anything. All items and areas in your base should be accessible via keypads or buttons.

The proof is in the video and here: 
and when i broke sexism or racism rule never only cause i sai ahh here is your boyfriend or girlfrien thats not sexism
[Image: 2016-01-20%2B-%2B1]
ElBrandoSuess / Brandon Suess
seems so that you raid often without reason or search property with out reason
[Image: 2016-01-20%2B-%2B1]
ElBrandoSuess / Brandon Suess
(01-13-2016, 01:28 PM)Foxirius Wrote: The rules that ElBrando broke: 

1.4 Do not insult players or staff in Out-Of-Character chats.
1.13 Racism, sexism and discrimination is not allowed OOC and IC.
2.1 You must follow FearRP. Your character must act afraid of life-threatening situations or of any weapons pointed at you.
2.3 Do not Metagame. This means you cannot talk OOC (Out Of Character) while IC (In Character). You can't use OOC-obtained information IC either.
5.3 Do not have private conversations in OOC chat; use the /pm command
15.2 Different teams are created for a reason, so do not ally with other teams. For example, Rebels do not ally with Corleones. (Rebel Leader cant ally with corleones)
6.2 Do not prop-block anything. All items and areas in your base should be accessible via keypads or buttons.

The proof is in the video and here: 

its a Banrequest on you not on me so stop writing in here what i maybe did wrong
[Image: 2016-01-20%2B-%2B1]
ElBrandoSuess / Brandon Suess
Well If we look at Ban №65683  It happened a lot of time before. The Other ban I was SRU and it wasn't random but I disconnected not to avoid RP sit but I had go but I was punished for it. For this 1.13 Racism, sexism and discrimination is not allowed OOC and IC you didn't brake sexism nor racism but you broke discrimination.
Fox and shark you forgot to mention that you based on office and contra here
Well moon we had a base (but the base was our Rebel HQ) there but do you have any prof that we had contra there and to be a Burglar you need a storage so I could used this as my storage.
Just a question why do you upload a ful video and why not just a private link with the proof ?

Do you just do it for youtube vieuws?
nope that would be advertising if i would do it for youtube views if i would token only 10 secs from the video then others would say meeeeh why u dont used the hole video ther is missing somethink blablba diaridiar blabvla
[Image: 2016-01-20%2B-%2B1]
ElBrandoSuess / Brandon Suess
but u know what i delete the video and close this br by my self seems so that you kids can random raid as ever you want so well played go and ruin more games
[Image: 2016-01-20%2B-%2B1]
ElBrandoSuess / Brandon Suess

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