Cyperpunk 2077?
I'm roughly 20 hours into the game and got some mixed feelings about it. I wasn't expecting much, so it's definitely not a disappointment to me, but there are a lot of major issues with the game.

  • Massive amounts of bugs, like a ton. They aren't really game-breaking, only had a few instances where I had to save and reload, but the sheer amount of bugs is really high. From what I've heard, consoles have it worse than PC.
Now, while bugs are always expected at launch, there are still a lot of big problems with the game.
  • No vehicle AI. This is probably one I will not understand, there is no AI for vehicles. They strictly follow a pre-determined path (even if it goes through walls), and if the path gets blocked, they simply stop. This also means there are no car chases, the police will not chase you with cars at all. You simply get to drive away uncontested. 
  • Wanted system is broken. As mentioned above, there is no vehicle AI, this means that police don't actually respond and arrive at your location, but just spawn instantly right behind you. You can easily see this if you fire a few shots indoors, on rooftops, or in the middle of nowhere. Also, the police are very bullet spongey, but still somehow manage to not be a threat, as you can just walk away from them with little resistance. 
  • The enemy AI is very broken, they often just wander around without attacking you or just act weird in general. Happens most often with melee enemies, but some of the scripted fights are pretty good. 
  • Stealth is broken as well. The game randomly pushes you around when sneaking, or just walking normally, which then throws you out of stealth mode. This has caused me to get caught unintentionally so many times, so I'd say stealth is not fully usable at the moment.
Though there are a lot of things that the game is really good at.
  • The story is great, well written, and has really interesting elements. I quite enjoy it, and it has good variation. It kinda what was expected from CDPR.
  • The world is amazing, I think Night City looks and feels amazing. There are a lot of small details that make it really immersive, and things like holograms, ads, and displays add a lot to the world. 
  • The gun/combat mechanics are fun and fluent. The shooting feels nice, and there is a lot of variation between guns. The system is a lot like Borderlands where you have different guns with their own stats, damage types, and gameplay styles. Also, the melee is really fun to use, it's great to just rush at enemies with a sword.
  • The game runs really well, (at least for me). I got a GTX1080, which isn't the newest of GPUs, but it can run the game at 1080p ultra pretty well. It's mainly the CPU issues in crowded areas that cause the majority of performance issues.

There also seems to be a lot of cut content, like the 6th skill tree, BDs, wanted mechanics, etc. Hopefully, they'll get restored when CDPR patches the game.

Overall, I'd say that if you had your expectations kinda low, then this game is definitely a positive surprise. Personally, I've been quite happy with the game so far. But if you have been hyping it up for years, then you're probably gonna be a bit disappointed. I would say the best idea is to wait somewhere between a few months to a year when a lot of the issues have been fixed and essential mechanics restored. But overall, the game has a good core as long as it's patched up a bit.
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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RE: Cyperpunk 2077? - by Dragnort_ - 12-15-2020, 10:04 AM
RE: Cyperpunk 2077? - by BoJack - 12-15-2020, 01:38 PM

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