Lt. Jeff
Steam Name: Lt. Jeff

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:119291268

BanID: 83320

Ban Reason

Staff Member: Ryan

Involved users
Everyone on the server at the time.

Why should you be unbanned?

So where should I begin, first of it was an admin approved mass shooting event. There was no roleplay going on the server so therefore I was allowed to start up an event to get everyone involved. I believe roleplay points were handed out for a similar roleplay which I did.

[Image: HKySDpc.png]

As you can see I should have been handed a roleplay point instead of a ban, so therefore thats where I think the misunderstanding came in and the admin accidentally typed in the ban command as opposed to the RPP command.
[Image: alfred.png]

Messages In This Thread
Lt. Jeff - by Alfred - 08-10-2020, 10:38 PM
RE: Lt. Jeff - by Falc - 08-11-2020, 07:26 AM

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