Your Name: _unexpected04_

Accused Staff Member: RedPanda

Involved users

Date & Time (GMT): 27/7/19 @ 20:00 GMT

Abuse of Power? and/or Infringement of the rules?
Abuse of Power

Explanation and Evidence
So basically I got trapped under the map as president and tax was 40 but no staff were online and I didn't want to change jobs because I would have to wait a long time to be president again so I waited for around 20 minutes (after about 5 minutes I set tax to 0) 

so after I waited RedPanda came online and helped me get out and then he thought I was abusing the glitch in order to make money so we talked and he decided I would not be punished and he left so I continued as president braking no rules until out of nowhere he teleported me to the hotel roof where he asked me questions about it and once again we both decided I don't deserve to be punished but then he asked a question which was "how did you get under the map" and I told him that I was building my office and a officer (Flex) was helping me but flex placed a chair down and I sat on it and I glitched threw the wall and landed under the map (with no health points lost) but RedPanda thought I was lying and that's fair enough but there was no evidence that my story wasn't true so he asked who was with me and I said a officer (flex) so we spoke and flex was offline this point so RedPanda blacklisted me from been president for 2 hours so after that RedPanda said if I get flex to speak to him and confirm my story he will lift the blacklist so I messaged Flex saying that I need Flex to speak to RedPanda about the blacklist so flex spoke to RedPanda and explained everything to him but RedPanda still thought I was lying even though theres no evidence that I was telling the truth and no evidence for me lying  

but that's not all it confuses me why RedPanda was going to not punish for what I done but for how I got into under the map.
he said either I tell him how I got under the map or he blacklists me so I could of just lied and avoided the black list but I knew I was telling the truth.

Messages In This Thread
RedPanda - by AlanIsCool - 07-27-2019, 08:08 PM
RE: RedPanda - by RedPanda - 07-27-2019, 10:44 PM
RE: RedPanda - by Awestruck - 07-27-2019, 11:09 PM

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