Steam Name: Aptitude

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42412667

BanID: 81869

Ban Reason
BRA (91572) - FearRP | Changing job to avoid RP Situation

Staff Member: Joe Joe

Involved users
Jamiek540, Joe Joe

Why should you be unbanned?
I was banned for "BRA (91572) - FearRP | Changing job to avoid RP Situation". However, if you look at the video in the player report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD2q9irFL3U there is no evidence of me changing jobs.

First of all, I was ARRESTED in the video. I had been warranted and arrested but I NEVER went into jail. The user, therefore, was driving me down to jails.

So the fact that the admin banned me for "changing jobs to avoid the RP situation" is insane, because if you actually take some time to review the evidence, that's impossible.

I also said this in the player report, but I guess that doesn't mean anything?

Now when we are done with one part of the ban request, let's move on to "FearRP".
He said to me that we were GOING to JAILS. He parked the car there as well so I see no reason whatsoever to NOT get out of the car.

SWhile being put in a car at gunpoint upon entering the vehicle the Officer still has FearRP over you therefore when he stopped the user should not have jumped out " is just stupid.

if an officer lets me know where we are going, and parks the car and turns the engine on, I'm definitely going to exit the car, I see no need to wait for approval to leave the car.

When we had parked down in jails, I had around 15 seconds left of being arrested, and that's why I was nowhere to been seen when the cop went looking for me.

This whole mess started with the user, Jamiek, arresting me for ABSOLUTELY no reason whatsoever, and that's why I was trying to let him know OOC that he had no reason to arrest me. 

Do you even go through the reports? I don't see why I'm being banned. Jamiek is the one arresting me for no reason, but I obviously have no evidence to support that, just like Jamiek has no evidence to support that I was trying to steal his car in the PR.

Messages In This Thread
Aptitude - by Aptitude - 02-09-2019, 09:40 PM
RE: Aptitude - by Aptitude - 02-09-2019, 09:42 PM
RE: Aptitude - by Joe Joe - 02-09-2019, 11:27 PM
RE: Aptitude - by Aptitude - 02-15-2019, 09:36 AM
RE: Aptitude - by Tomo - 02-17-2019, 12:28 AM

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