Name of player: Mark2766


Time in GMT: 5pm

Summary: Mark had killed someone doing something nice. He should have just tazed arrested him. 3.1a Violence should always be the last option. 

Evidence: (Mark is the officer at the front of the line just keep an eye on that)

Alright i will give you lot a little background to what is happening in the video. bitchass (the guy in the stand) wants a new start so he is giving away all of his weapons and inv. bitchass seems to be provoked by and begins attacking Mark to get away (im guessing) Mark pulls an M4 and guns him down for what reason I don't know Marks reasoning for killing him was: but then i thought Mark had his own agenda at hand so i did a little bit of testing: Mark had been hit 5 times in the recording before opening fire as you can see Mark killed him to ruin something nice for the community honestly it makes no sense why you would have to do this. After this me and him sorta had at it in ooc he said some nice things...

Messages In This Thread
Mark2766 - by AliTaze - 09-02-2018, 04:26 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by mark2766 - 09-02-2018, 06:20 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by mark2766 - 09-02-2018, 06:34 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by AliTaze - 09-02-2018, 07:28 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by mark2766 - 09-02-2018, 06:56 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by mark2766 - 09-02-2018, 06:59 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by AliTaze - 09-02-2018, 07:11 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by AliTaze - 09-02-2018, 07:18 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by AliTaze - 09-02-2018, 07:25 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by AliTaze - 09-02-2018, 07:31 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by AliTaze - 09-02-2018, 07:36 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by ChoCho - 09-02-2018, 08:29 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by mark2766 - 09-02-2018, 08:34 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by AliTaze - 09-02-2018, 08:56 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by mark2766 - 09-02-2018, 09:30 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by AliTaze - 09-02-2018, 09:02 AM
RE: Mark2766 - by AliTaze - 09-03-2018, 10:00 PM
RE: Mark2766 - by Forgee - 09-24-2018, 12:48 AM

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