Player Report
Names of players:
7.Daughter Of The Sea
8.The Loner

1. STEAM_0:1:225688237
2. STEAM_1:1:68830452
3. STEAM_0:1:81330464
4. STEAM_0:0:142673752
5. STEAM_0:1:418673006
6. STEAM_0:1:25776830
7. STEAM_0:1:26616943
8. STEAM_0:0:181919828

Time in GMT: About 1:30am

Server: V4B1

Summary: Ok, This is a pretty big report so I'm just going to put it in order of who did what.

First of all, Raptor. The user is found using a doomfort defense to trap our raiding team inside the nexus elevator with the full police force waiting at the bottom, with concrete barriers stopping us from running out, We were forced to jump over them.

Baby_Sheep is found random tasing, And found Going Undercover As SRU. (Rule 6.8 SRU cannot go undercover and you may only wear any other clothing or use non-government vehicles if you are undercover)

DanLo, GODS I WAS STRON, And FeArSoMeNINJAZ, Users are found Attempting to RDM Me Several times As I was Hardly trespassing Nexus. However I was unarmed and standing still, DanLo in particular as he shot me a couple times, as I confronted him, he said something along the lines of "Leave Now and I won't shoot you" and then as I left He shot me once again. (Rule 3.1 Do not harm/kill people randomly (RDM) And Rule 3.1a Violence should always be the last option.)

The Loner, Jazzlesman, Baby_Sheep, And Raptor, Were also found Teamkilling a fireman, and another police officer you can see this in the OOC chat. (Rule 6.9 Do not kill or injure any other government member.)

Daughter Of The Sea was found attempting to CDM Officers within nexus garage also.

May I also add that throughout the entire raid, 20-minute span, ALL the Police, and SRU force were breaking NLR, we killed all of them on our way up to the presidential office, and on our way back down the entire police force was there waiting for us, even though we killed ALL of them. You can kind of see in the second video, That took place a little while after the first, that the SRU and Police are arming up at the locker AGAIN. This is becuase they were killed by a friend after I was killed, my friend then retreated into jails when the Police broke NLR AGAIN To go after him to kill him in the jails.


Messages In This Thread
Player Report - by Kryptic - 08-12-2018, 02:03 AM
RE: Player Report - by Narcotic - 08-12-2018, 03:52 PM
RE: Player Report - by Kryptic - 08-12-2018, 05:26 PM
RE: Player Report - by Ted - 08-12-2018, 05:09 PM
RE: Player Report - by Narcotic - 08-17-2018, 04:55 PM

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