Report: <GamingOfficialZZ>

I want to understand one thing, was there an attempt to try and contact the police or relative regarding this "hostage" situation? As we usually know, they need to get involved due to the amount of cash being paid and to solve the situation by contacting and claiming that you want $2000 for him.

To ease on these kinds of situations in the future, instead of hostaging, it should be a mugging, due to the fact that if you want to stay hidden as a criminal, a hostage is not the way to do it on. If you were mugging him for an instant, then you could get away with some cash into your pocket and also this situation would never occur. As you usually get everyone involved in a hostage situation.

Regarding the fact that he killed you without a proper chance to receive the money, is a clear violation of the rules.

The user will be punished accordingly.


Messages In This Thread
Report: <GamingOfficialZZ> - by Ethan Bradberry - 04-16-2018, 08:40 PM
RE: Report: <GamingOfficialZZ> - by Kevin - 04-22-2018, 07:27 AM

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