Database Warranting / Warrant History
Title of Suggestion: Database Warranting / Warrant History

Description: Allow the user to warrant players via the /database. There is a button atm but it does not work and requires you to type out a warrant in chat. Players would also be able to see a suspects previous warrants from his life. These warrants would clear every time a suspect dies. The normal way of warranting would still be kept for those who want to do it quickly. Police could investigate a suspect's history, which could be a factor in determining the punishment

Why: This would enable a more realistic way of warranting for those who want to. This would enhance roleplay roleplay, reasons provided above.

As always, please leave comments along with your +/- supports.

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Database Warranting / Warrant History - by Ethan Bradberry - 12-17-2017, 10:58 PM

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