Radio notification when clamping a vehicle
  • You can now know if your car is clamped.
  • Can call for help if job is a criminal and get a nice AggressiveRP.
  • Spams the chat.
  • Will be cool if you'd have to buy a vehicle detection thing so you'd actually get the message.

MAYBE: I have no clue what about this Idea. but maybe if when vehicle is clamped, it would teleport to City Parking or Nexus Garage, due to the fact... sometimes the cops don't care a single bit and even clamp in the middle of main-street, or in the middle of the wilderness / roads.

OR: It could be a cool Idea actually, as the vehicle is clamped, it would go back to your inventory, but rather then just placing it back down, you'll have to pay for it, and as you pay for the clamp, if would spawn right back where the vehicle was clamped before.

Note: I don't know how it would be scripted in any sort of way, but would be cool if possible in my opinion.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Radio notification when clamping a vehicle - by NoiizeDesignS - 03-31-2017, 04:52 PM

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