Neversleepy's Unblacklist request.
Your name:

Your blacklist ID: 

Steam ID:


Staff member who blacklisted you:
[FL:M] Jonas

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:
We were scouting through the Industrial area before we stumbled 
upon a house with barricaded windows. We made sure it had contraband inside 
before initiating a armed robbery. Once we've keypad cracked our way in, 
We noticed there was no one inside the building. We continued stealing their
contraband, when 2 rebels barged in carrying heavy weaponry. Out of survival instinct
we shot and killed the 2 rebels. This happened extremely fast as they weren't
carrying Kevlar. I was not aware we were raiding our fellow team-members. 
I got demoted instantly, and shortly after taken to a admin sit, where the Moderator has decided
to implement a 4 hours blacklist for "Teamraiding/teamkilling". 

I have more than 700 hours on the server, and I'm more than aware of the fact that I can't go 
around killing my own team-members. This was an honest mistake, as I had no idea they were 
part of the Rebels until after it happened. That's why I'm requesting a unblacklist request.

I hope you can understand the position I was in for killing the Rebels, as they were rushing in
the base carrying heavy weaponry. I'm really hoping you could reduce or remove the blacklist entirely
as I never intended to raid fellow Rebels purposely. 

Messages In This Thread
Neversleepy's Unblacklist request. - by Neversleepy! - 02-12-2017, 12:00 AM
RE: Neversleepy's Unblacklist request. - by Jonas - 02-12-2017, 08:37 AM
RE: Neversleepy's Unblacklist request. - by Jonas - 02-12-2017, 11:00 AM

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