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Neversleepy's Unblacklist request. - Printable Version

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Neversleepy's Unblacklist request. - Neversleepy! - 02-12-2017

Your name:

Your blacklist ID: 

Steam ID:


Staff member who blacklisted you:
[FL:M] Jonas

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:
We were scouting through the Industrial area before we stumbled 
upon a house with barricaded windows. We made sure it had contraband inside 
before initiating a armed robbery. Once we've keypad cracked our way in, 
We noticed there was no one inside the building. We continued stealing their
contraband, when 2 rebels barged in carrying heavy weaponry. Out of survival instinct
we shot and killed the 2 rebels. This happened extremely fast as they weren't
carrying Kevlar. I was not aware we were raiding our fellow team-members. 
I got demoted instantly, and shortly after taken to a admin sit, where the Moderator has decided
to implement a 4 hours blacklist for "Teamraiding/teamkilling". 

I have more than 700 hours on the server, and I'm more than aware of the fact that I can't go 
around killing my own team-members. This was an honest mistake, as I had no idea they were 
part of the Rebels until after it happened. That's why I'm requesting a unblacklist request.

I hope you can understand the position I was in for killing the Rebels, as they were rushing in
the base carrying heavy weaponry. I'm really hoping you could reduce or remove the blacklist entirely
as I never intended to raid fellow Rebels purposely. 

RE: Neversleepy's Unblacklist request. - Jonas - 02-12-2017


In the mod-sit, you said that you where outside, and they ALREADY where inside the base?

As you said yourself, they where rebels, with the regular playermodel, so you would have known it was rebels, yet you shot them, continuently, there was MULTIPLE seconds in between the shots/kills, yet you said it happend so fast? You had more than enough time to screm they should not fire, yet, you kept on shooting.

I see no reason to get you unblacklisted, because what you did was intentional, on the teamkilling part, however you raided and stole everything unintentional, but your still the who accounts for it, and as for what you did intentionally, you should have known alot better, therefor, again, I see no reason to unblacklist you.


RE: Neversleepy's Unblacklist request. - Neversleepy! - 02-12-2017

I specifically told you that they were not inside the base.
However, you were too busy focusing on what my partner was saying
in the admin sit, that might've distracted you from what I was trying to tell you.

They continued opening fire on me because I was wearing a suit.
Stopping and telling them I was a part of the Rebels, would've meant my death.
The Rebels literally came in guns' blazing.

I wasn't even given a chance to stop and say, "Wait! We're on your team." 
Because they were already shot and killed with a shotgun almost immediately 
after they've entered the premises.

RE: Neversleepy's Unblacklist request. - Jonas - 02-12-2017

You did not specificlly tell me that they where inside the base, as far as i'm aware of.

You could hide behind defences screaming "We're rebels aswell!", but you both kept on shooting.

Wether or not you think it was intentional, it looked extremely intentional, so again, i see no reason to unban you.

Awaiting an administrators conclusion.

RE: Neversleepy's Unblacklist request. - Rylund - 02-19-2017

Denied as per unblacklist request rule 6.