What A Way To Go - A message to y'all
Hello hello.

As some of you have probably seen, I've been perma'd from the servers.
Whilst I won't deny my actions (the logs don't lie), I hope to put across to the community and reiterate to the new Team my regrets in what I did. Never did I expect this is how I'd go, but it's not like I didn't bring it on myself.

Firstly, to those online at the time. Whilst many of you were acquaintances/friends who shared a laugh about it, I set a terrible example of how to behave. If you ever get the opportunity to become a staff member, for god's sake don't screw it up.

I was both angry and confused at the time. I woke up to my name on the resignation thread, and I went from sitting on the fence to one side very quickly. My original plan of having one last session on the servers spiralled out of control and when I realised I was doing wrong and stopped myself, it was too late.

Even though I never got to do a victory lap in my BMW (y'all probably thanking the banhammer right now), I hope my sheer brilliant driving skills won't be forgotten.
I'm going to miss you all dearly. I'm not going to be able to go pimping in my Golf MKII, put Tank in the Mingecage, or correct you all on your grammar for a long, long time, and I have only myself to blame for that.

I wish you all the best, and I hope you'll find somewhere in your hypothalamus to forgive me.
* Safira hands over 26 toolkits, 1 BMW and a shitload of fish

[Image: b45az63xj820165.jpg]

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What A Way To Go - A message to y'all - by Safira - 08-02-2015, 01:57 PM

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