Kronblom leaving FearlessRP (For now)
So i've decided to leave Fearless for now just cause alot of people are so lame and alot of people doesn't even know how to RP, and i've tried to RP with Moxew cause my other two friends doesnt have a clue what RP is. 
But this server was just a waste of time, ill probably give my Volvo to someone that has been nice to me when i have been playing.
So the several hours i've been playing today was just minging with Moxew who is also saying farewell to Fearless cause he thinks Fearless sucks cause people are so lame and so on, which i do aswell, kinda.

But byebye and merry christmas! /Kronblom....

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Kronblom leaving FearlessRP (For now) - by Kronblom - 12-24-2014, 11:47 AM

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