[BAN REQUEST] d3rSa 1x777
Name of player: D3rSa 1x777

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90920327

Time in GMT: 11:54 GMT + 2 (summertime)

Server:  v2d

Summary: He had quite a bit of bath tubs around the nexus,  and didn't remove them even tho he was asked to.


[Image: 2014-10-10_00009.jpg]

[Image: 2014-10-10_00010.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
[BAN REQUEST] d3rSa 1x777 - by Prune - 10-10-2014, 10:02 PM
RE: [BAN REQUEST] d3rSa 1x777 - by Temar - 10-10-2014, 11:17 PM

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