Ban request for Cocasquash, TheCheeser112
Player names: Cocasquash, TheCheeser112

Time in GMT:
Ca. 16:00 GMT+2

Summary: Me and my friend Articx were playing on the server, he had to make a call, so he went AFK for 5 min. He was in his appartment locked inside by three securety systems with keypads. After some time in my own shop, i desided to go and check on him. I came into the appartements building, finding his door open. Inside i saw 4 people. Two cops, one fireman, dont know what the last one was. They had apperantly broke into his house abusing their jobs to do so (They had no warrant).

When i came in they were working on the last line of security. They had spawned a chair and were working on nocolliding it. One of the guys sat in the chair, another lifted him up and through the last line of security. When i saw what the were doing, i imidietly trew myself ower F11 (my recording button). Gmod crashed!

Shortly after, my friend got back (we were talking on Ventrilo), he found himself in jail. When he got back to his appartment everything was gone, destroyed. He did ofcource forget to adv. dupe. his security system.

Later on, i worked hard to find the people responsible. Eventually i found out who did it. Cocasquash and TheCheeser112 were the ones in the lead. They were the ones that broke all the rules. But there were to others in the appartment. A person called Andreas and a person called Worldwaker.

Andreas payed Articx 10 000 later on, even though he was not with the minges on the part with the nocollided chair. He was forgiven by Articx.

Worldwaker was stuck, and forced to watch Cocasquash and TheCheeser112 commit their crimes. He later told me that he wanted them banned too, he had also taken a screenshot that i hope he will either give me soon, or post on the forum himself.

Evidence: Witnesses, Myself(Fai222), Articx(got jailed), Worldwaker, Andreas. If anyone else saw anything, please post it here.

Screenshot, hopefully Worldwaker will find his screenshot and give it to me. But still, if he doesnt, all these witnesses should be enough.

This may not be relevant to this case, but lot long after this happened, TheCheeser112 started spawning propblocks over other players. Nudelholz was a witness to this, together with probably 2/3 of the entrie server at the time.

Thank you for your time, reading all this. Im sure the admins will figure out a suitable punishment.

Messages In This Thread
Ban request for Cocasquash, TheCheeser112 - by fai222 - 08-02-2010, 03:17 PM

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