Please take the time to read this.
Your name:
Pudding Bum

Your SteamID:

Banning Admin:

Ban Length:

Reason for the ban:
Repeatedly RDMing as gundealer

Why we should unban you:
I've joined the server around 2 days ago and already racked up 10 hours or so, as soon as I started playing I loved the server, I enjoyed playing as a gundealer and had quite a good business going, however, I did take things too far when I could finally afford a sniper, however, it was actually an "In Real Life" friend who I was RDMing as a joke (ShalashaskaCrosby) , and we were both laughing. I admit, i did get a bit excited with it, however, i would really love to the server again as i've fell in love with the game. I also, promise, that this will never happen ever again, I'm sorry, please unban me!
P.S: I realise I have totally disregarded the rules and, hopefully, I will look forward to playing the game properly (as a Gun Dealer)

Thank you for the time taken to read this, please unban ! ;D

Messages In This Thread
Please take the time to read this. - by Pudding Bum - 03-14-2011, 07:44 PM
RE: Please take the time to read this. - by s.J. - 03-14-2011, 10:30 PM

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